Pacifico Excercises: Encho

60 minutes performance
Acker Stadt Palast Berlin (DE)

This work is a collaboration with german composer Sebastian Elikowski-Winkler with the intent to explore the relationship between dance and music. The poetic idea of the pacific is represented by the participation of japanese composers.
With the premise to let the dance speak first, the ten minutes solo choreography is initially the “score” for the creation of six new compositions. In the performance each dance solo repetition is interpreted anew by each composer.
A graphic movement language, inspired by calligraphy and pictography unfolds in its relation to space and performability. Vivid poses act out as symbols to then transform and flow in yet angular movements. Each composition changes the relationship between dancer, soprano and clarinetist and contributes to the versatility and uniqueness of the relation to the new music pieces. The performance in its entirety shifts from hints of storytelling to abstract dance. More layers are added by drastic costume and light design changes journeying throughout.

Composers & Compositions played in this order:
Suiha Yoshida ‘Only the sea does not...’ for solo soprano

Ayana Tsujita ‘Wave and Pulse’ for solo clarinet & bass clarinet

Ferdinand Breil ‘till human voices wake us’ for soprano, bass clarinet & electronics

Sebastian Elikowski-Winkler ‘kusari’ for soprano & bass clarinet

Hideki Kozakura ‘MIZU’ for electronics

Stepha Schweiger ‘TAKE A SEAT’ for soprano & electronics

Choreography & Dance & Costume:
Mariangela Tinelli
Voice & Costume: Natalia Pschenitschnikova
Clarinets: Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson
Live electronics: Ferdinand Breil
Text: Anna Hetzer
Light Design: Ferdinand Breil & Marcelo Schmittner

Mariangela Tinelli
